Cereal trials are generally in good condition with little disease present at all centres. Growth stage varies from a very forward 32 in Hereford from a September sown crop to early tillering from a late sown trial in Kent. Winter barleys and oats are generally Ok and have had their early fungicide and PGR treatments. Spring sowings are now just showing from February or early March drilling.
Winter oilseed rape is just coming into flower. Little reports of disease at most centres with the exception of Hereford where we have recorded high levels of light leaf spot from a well grown crop.
Winter beans have come through the winter well and spring sowing have been completed. We await conditions to get spring peas and lupins sown.
With the other spring crops preparation are underway and we expect to get on with sugar beet, potatoes and maize as soon as conditions allow.
Grass plots are just getting going with some Italian ryegrass plots harvested in Shropshire. At our Devon and Yorkshire sites things are a little slower to get away.
On the vegetables side we have planted two set onion trials and one drilled one seed onion trial and are waiting to drill one more. Late carrots have been harvested and we are just finishing onion storage recording.
For further information contact Simon Kerr