Press release

NEWS: New maize varieties increase maturity range on BSPB Descriptive Lists

The varieties Smoothi CS and Abrisse from Caussade Semences, Prospect from Limagrain, LiRoyal from DSV and KWS Calvini from KWS are all new entrants onto the Favourable Sites DL.

The Less Favourable DL, aimed at 'marginal' growing conditions, sees the addition of six new varieties - KWS Calvini, Prospect, LiRoyal, RGT Stewaxx from RAGT Seeds, and DSP 46132 and Cardif from Germinal.

NEWS: Dr Mark Stalham is new head of NIAB CUF

Already a senior research associate at NIAB CUF Dr Stalham takes up his new role with immediate effect, guiding the overall scientific direction, development and management of NIAB CUF’s activities, including knowledge exchange. He will continue to have close involvement with the executive committee of the Cambridge University Potato Growers Research Association (CUPGRA), which funds and supplies industry support for potato research.

NEWS: NIAB acquires south-west field trials business

NIAB has jointly managed the centre, which first opened in 2009, with Pearce Seeds for the past twelve months. NIAB takes full control, with immediate effect, of the trials delivery business. The centre, along with its satellite trials sites across the south-west, includes over 4,000 arable and forage crop plots, covering levy board and industry-funded variety, agronomy and demonstration trials.

NEWS: NIAB expands cereal entomology research with new appointment

Dr Aradottir will be developing NIAB’s research into plant-pest interactions in cereal and other combinable crops. This includes studying aphid resistance in wheat from a diverse background, working with NIAB plant breeders in identifying beneficial traits that can be translated from wild relatives into commercial varieties, further advancing the institute’s work in working with industry to deliver new sources of wheat genetic innovation onto farm.Dr Gia Aradottir

NEWS: Potato growers graduate from MacFry Academy

The latest crop of potato growers have graduated from the MacFry Potato Academy, the specialist agronomy and management industry training course.

The Academy is a joint initiative between NIAB and McDonald’s UK and Ireland, in association with potato suppliers McCain Foods and Lamb Weston, aimed at the 209 farmers that supply the potatoes for McDonald's iconic Fries, served within their 1,400 restaurants across the UK.


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